Our core values at Sambal&Cheese

hands values

It is during difficult times that we seek to rise!

Sambal&Cheese was, like everyone else, shaken by the Covid19 pandemic. Before being artisans, we are a bi-national couple. We were then separated during the crisis. What doesn’t kill makes us stronger, they say! If the old adage is not false, the period is no less painful. Nevertheless, we strive to do our best for the development of our beloved brand, our “baby”.

Production continues with Farris in Malaysia. And the branding development takes place in France with me. The pandemic has at least allowed us to focus on more business-related issues, and to evaluate what are our real desires and lines of action.

We decided to take advantage of this year to reframe our brand and align our practices with our own convictions. This is what we’ve been trying to do since our inception, but we want to make it for more educational purposes.

 Today, we want to share with you some of our core values. 

What are Samba&Cheese Core Values?

Raising awareness of the importance of the conservation of our local heritage in Melaka

For the sake of our city and its development, we are committed to preserving its historic architecture. We are saddened to see more historic and heritage homes being demolished every day. Our brand was born out of a desire to preserve some of these beautiful buildings. As Melaka develops, we are committed to designing slowly and thoughtfully and doing our part to only beautify the city without harming its origins, traditions, and heritage, but rather enhancing it.

Environmental protection

Our brand has always been based on the notion of sustainable production and consumption. Thus, we work mainly with recycled materials: wood found in torn-down houses or by the sea, leather, and textiles that are scraps from other local artisans, sometimes even other materials, objects, and treasures found in a trash can or left behind on a sidewalk. As for other materials, we prefer to use naturally sourced materials. Our process creates little or no waste. We are taking steps to reduce waste and make our new facilities more environmentally friendly. Also, our workshop is located behind our home, allowing us to avoid any unnecessary travel! 

Symbol of tolerance and love without borders

France Sambal&Cheese

Sambal&Cheese is based on a love story between two very different persons from different continents, cultures, and religions. Our craft is at the crossroads of our cultures and is the symbol of our union. 

Our story allows us to convey the notions of openness to others, tolerance, equality, love, … Also we support the movement #loveisnottourism. We wish the story to last forever!

We continue to learn, to listen, and to grow, as we know you all do. These values are dear to us and we strive every day to be their most fervent representatives.

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